What is Rozex?
Rozex is a treatment for rosacea that’s available as a cream or gel. It can help to reduce inflammation and redness when it’s used twice a day. Clinicians will also recommend lifestyle changes to complement medication, and achieve the best results.
Rosacea is a chronic skin condition that causes redness, blushing, inflammation and irritated skin.[1] It usually affects people with pale skin. It’s more common in women, but symptoms can be worse for men that are affected. Rosacea normally develops after the age of 30. It appears on your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin, and can include other symptoms such as dry skin, sore eyelids, swelling and yellow-orange patches.
The cause of rosacea is unknown, but symptoms can worsen as a result of certain daily triggers such as alcohol, caffeine, spicy food, cheese and even some aerobic exercises such as running. Currently, there isn’t a cure, but there are treatments to relieve the symptoms caused by rosacea.
How does Rozex work?
Although the cause of rosacea is unknown, it’s thought to occur because of certain factors including an overactive immune system, environmental factors, hereditary factors, and abnormalities in blood vessels. Rosacea isn’t caused by poor hygiene, and it isn’t contagious.
It’s more likely to occur if you have skin that burns easily, smoke and if you’re over 30. It affects around 1% to 20% of the population, but there are a lot of people that are misdiagnosed so this could be higher.
There are four main types of rosacea. One is identified by causing flushing and clusters of blood vessels (Erythematotelangiectatic rosacea), another causes redness, swelling and bumps (Papulopustular rosacea), one causes burning and itching of the eyes (ocular rosacea) and the fourth type is identified by thickened skin and an enlarged nose (Phymatous rosacea). Many people have symptoms of more than one type.
Rozex can be applied as a cream or a gel and works to relieve symptoms of rosacea. It’s able to work quickly because of its active ingredient, metronidazole, which is a powerful antibiotic. It kills bacteria by damaging their DNA so that they can’t multiply. This controls the infections and reduces the inflammation.
What doses of Rozex are there?
Rozex should be applied twice a day, once in the morning and once before going to bed. This is the maximum dose available. If you find that this isn’t working for you, then consult a health professional about alternative treatments.
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